The community of participants of Astro Hack Week is made up of members from around the globe with a
diverse set of skills, personalities, and experiences. It is through these differences that our
community experiences success and continued growth. We expect everyone in our community to follow these
guidelines when interacting with others both inside and outside of our community. Our goal is to keep
ours a positive, inclusive, successful, and growing community.
As members of the community,
- We pledge to treat all people with respect and provide a harassment- and bullying-free environment,
regardless of sex, sexual orientation and/or gender identity, disability, physical appearance, body
size, race, nationality, ethnicity, and religion. In particular, sexual language and imagery,
sexist, racist, or otherwise exclusionary jokes are not appropriate.
- We pledge to respect the work of others by recognizing acknowledgment/citation requests of original
authors. As authors, we pledge to be explicit about how we want our own work to be cited or
- We pledge to welcome those interested in joining the community, and realize that including people
with a variety of opinions and backgrounds will only serve to enrich our community. In particular,
discussions relating to pros/cons of various technologies, programming languages, and so on are
welcome, but these should be done with respect, taking proactive measure to ensure that all
participants are heard and feel confident that they can freely express their opinions.
- We pledge to welcome questions and answer them respectfully, paying particular attention to those
new to the community.
- We pledge to be conscientious of the perceptions of the wider community and to respond to criticism
respectfully. We will strive to model behaviors that encourage productive debate and disagreement,
both within our community and where we are criticized. We will treat those outside our community
with the same respect as people within our community.
- We pledge to help the entire community follow the code of conduct, and to not remain silent when we
see violations of the code of conduct. We will take action when members of our community violate
this code such as notifying a workshop organizer or talking privately with the person.
This code of conduct applies to all community situations online and offline, including the conference
itself, mailing lists, forums, social media, social events associates with the conference, and
one-to-one interactions.
Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Attendees violating
these rules may be asked to leave the event at the sole discretion of the conference organizers.
This code of conduct has been adapted from the Python in Astronomy Code of